software, firmware and internet applications
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software, firmware and internet applications

Software, Firmware and Internet Solutions from Client Software Limited

Based in Burton Fleming on the border of East and North Yorkshire, Client Software Limited offers development skills for software, firmware, embedded systems and internet based applications.

  Software Development

Developing Windows™ software for:

  • Downloading data from instrumentation + analysis & reporting

Firmware and Embedded
Systems Development

Microprocessor solutions to:
  • Convert an old instrument to digital with storage
  • New product design
  • Data logging and storage with transfer to PC

Internet Development
and Solutions

Website development to give: Internet solutions:
  • International sales presence
  • Simple entry level site development
  • Dynamic product catalogue
  • Full e-commerce solutions

Sound Level Meter Development

Client Software Limited specialises in software, firmware and web development for sound level meter manufacturers and distributors. Amongst our happy customers are Cirrus Research plc, the sound level meter manufacturer and NoiseMeters Limited, distributor of these noise meters and noise dosimeters.

You can see these sound level meters at the NoiseMeters web sites (developed by Client Software):

sound level meters and noise meters in the USA -
sound level meters and noise meters in the UK -
doseBadge noise dosimeter -
noise warning sign -

For a bigger list of clients for our web development and internet services please click here.

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(c) Client Software Limited 2003